Ēdn SmallGarden At Apple And West Elm

4 months ago
Ēdn SmallGarden At Apple And West Elm Image

We are thrilled for our partners at ēdn, as their SmallGarden is now available to buy online at Apple and West Elm! The SmallGarden is expertly engineered and beautifully designed with advanced LED lights and WiFi enabled processors that make growing fully automated. Combined with the ēdn app, you can seamlessly manage the lighting schedule, see garden alerts, and get detailed guidance on the growth of your plants to help you go from planting to harvest and beyond.

The handcrafted gardens use responsibly-sourced bent wood and anodized aluminum to create their garden boxes. The result is a product design that complements both nature and the room it’s in. ēdn provides a wide range of dirt-free SeedPods that easily drop into place. Users can grow gardens that prove useful with herbs and vegetables, or go a more decorative route with flowers and foliage. The easy and intuitive app helps users to monitor water, light and temperature, guiding the user through the growing process from start to finish.

We enjoyed working with ēdn on the app to leverage technology for a fun and automated home gardening experience. Most recently, a new version of the iOS app was released, complete with HomeKit support for an even more integrated product experience. An Android app will also be available soon. We believe that app development done well results in products that delight users and deliver real value, and that’s never been more true than with ēdn. 

Congratulations again to the team at ēdn! We are excited about their success and the future of their product. If you have an app idea that you’d like to explore, please contact us. We’d love to use our experience to help your idea grow.

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On the Move: inHere Brings Real Estate Process to the Digital World

Real estate transactions are akin to a game of Jenga but with high stakes and life-changing decisions. Multiple agents, buyers and sellers, lawyers, financial professionals, and inspectors, each with specific needs and responsibilities, work together simultaneously—and on a relatively short timeline. One missed email or delayed report can send the transaction tumbling. Fidelity National Financial (FNF) is a monolith in real estate finance, with a decades-long history of serving home buyers and sellers through 52 disparate brands. FNF leadership understood the inherent chaos of the real estate transaction process and knew there was a better way—one that simplified the process for buyers, sellers, and professionals. With the expert support of InspiringApps—a renowned app development company celebrated for crafting stunning and functional digital experiences—the inHere platform is redefining transparency, user-friendliness, and security standards. 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The FNF and InspiringApps teams approached the project by answering this question: “How do we build more transparency and mitigate risk while maintaining a personal touch?”  Building software at scale for all these transactions, and software that can help facilitate these transactions more transparently, has to capture that friendly or familiar relationship you’re used to. That person-to-person relationship has to carry over to the technology. At the same time, technology must simplify complex processes and catch fraud, an increasingly common problem in real estate transactions. Building the Future of Real Estate Despite their drive to innovate, FNF is still, at the core, a real estate company.  “In [searching for a partner for the inHere experience platform], we sought somebody with extensive experience outside the real estate industry. Someone who could bring us ideas and innovation from other industries that we may not have considered,” Jason said. InspiringApps was crucial in developing the inHere platform, bringing fresh perspectives and asking critical questions that enhanced the user experience. InspiringApps developers and designers are known for their up-to-date knowledge of UI and UX best practices. This expertise was instrumental in creating a platform that meets and exceeds FNF’s and its users’ high standards. A collaborative development process marked the partnership between Fidelity and InspiringApps. This synergy ensured that the platform was built to meet the exacting standards of both companies and the needs of real estate transaction stakeholders, from “Your offer has been submitted” to “Congrats—here are the keys to your new home!” The result is a robust, user-friendly platform that addresses the unique challenges of real estate transactions while providing a seamless digital experience. An Award Winning Partnership The inHere platform was rolled out to title partners within FNF, touching millions of transactions and mitigating early-stage risks. Its successful implementation is a testament to the power of collaboration and the importance of keeping the project focused on end users.  The tech industry also took notice. In August 2023, Fast Company awarded the inHere app an honorable mention in the Security category of their Innovation by Design Awards, one of the most sought-after awards in the design industry. inHere joined an impressive roster of peers—including Adobe, PepsiCo, and Canva—in a celebration of functionality, originality, beauty, sustainability, user insight, and business influence.   “If you’d asked me when we started this journey if this software would be award-winning, I would have never believed you. I thought we built great, fit-for-purpose software, but it was not award-winning compared to other cool things. But frankly, I can see why it did,” Jason explains. Fidelity and InspiringApps continue their commitment to innovation and excellence by continually refining and improving the platform. Designing Digital Futures Transforming real estate transactions from a local, personal, in-person process to a seamless digital destination has been both challenging and rewarding. The development of the inHere platform, supported by InspiringApps, showcases how advanced technology can transform complex business processes. By focusing on end users’ needs and leveraging a trusted partner’s expertise, Fidelity has set a new standard for the real estate industry. As we look to the future, the inHere platform will continue to evolve, driving efficiency, transparency, and security in real estate transactions. This case study is a powerful example of how digital solutions can revolutionize traditional business practices. Are you ready to join the digital revolution? Partner with InspiringApps to transform your business processes and achieve new heights of efficiency and innovation.

17 days ago

AI Artificial Intelligence

AI Questions To Ask Before Selecting a Digital Product Partner

Selecting an AI-savvy digital product partner is daunting. Choose wrong, and you risk ethical missteps, poor user experience, or ineffective AI integration. The consequences? Wasted resources, damaged reputation, and missed opportunities. Don’t leave your AI product to chance. Our guide offers crucial questions to ask, helping you identify a partner who prioritizes responsible AI, user-centric design, and ethical considerations.   AI Integration Essentials: Questions To Ask Your Developer AI integration is reshaping digital products, but not all approaches are equal. Understanding a partner’s AI expertise is crucial for project success. These questions will reveal their capability to implement AI responsibly and effectively.  How do you integrate AI while maintaining privacy and security? When selecting a digital product partner for AI integration, look for a company that prioritizes: On-device processing where possible to keep user data secure. Clear protocols for handling data when server-side processing is needed. Obtaining explicit user consent for data sharing with third-party AI services. Transparency with users about AI implementation. A strong partner should be able to articulate their approach clearly while staying one step ahead of evolving AI technologies and privacy regulations.  “Real people—real intelligence. The right team will tap into AI’s potential the right way. That means prioritizing user privacy and ethical considerations as they do for every implementation.”KRISTIN MOLINA, MARKETING MANAGER | INSPIRINGAPPS What’s your experience in enhancing user experiences with AI? An ideal partner will carefully integrate AI features to enhance, rather than complicate, user experience. Look for: Examples of how they’ve integrated AI capabilities while strongly emphasizing user privacy and data security. Instances where they’ve used AI to save time, improve quality, or analyze data in new ways that directly benefit the user experience. A balanced approach that taps into AI’s potential while ensuring the technology doesn’t overwhelm or confuse users. Transparency in how AI is implemented ensures users understand when and how AI is used to enhance their experience. How do you ensure ethical AI practices? Look for a partner that: Actively works to identify and mitigate potential biases in AI systems. Advocates for human oversight in AI processes. Complies with AI-related regulations. Regularly audits their AI use. Helps clients to maintain responsible AI use. Considers AI’s long-term impacts and sustainability. Continuously learns and adapts to new developments in AI ethics. Can you provide examples of AI solving real business challenges? A responsible partner should provide examples of AI implementations that serve specific business purposes rather than using AI for its own sake. Look for cases where AI has been used to save time, improve quality, or analyze data in new ways. Examples should focus on practical, ethical, and user-centric AI applications that directly address business challenges while aligning with a philosophy of responsible AI integration. How do you balance AI automation with human oversight? Look for a partner who emphasizes the importance of human judgment alongside AI capabilities. They should describe a process where AI augments human decision-making rather than replacing it entirely.   Responsible AI Implementation: The Non-Negotiables Responsible AI implementation should be non-negotiable. Use these questions to ensure your potential partner’s AI approach is transparent, unbiased, and aligned with the highest standards in responsible AI development. How do you ensure transparency in AI features? Look for a commitment to clear communication about AI use in the product, possibly including in-app explanations of how AI is used and how it affects user experience. How do you prevent bias in AI algorithms? Look for a detailed approach to identifying and mitigating bias, including diverse data sets, regular testing, and a willingness to adjust algorithms when bias is detected. How do you approach data minimization? Ask how the partner minimizes data use—do they process data directly on devices or use techniques like anonymization? What’s your process for ongoing AI system improvements? Look for a systematic approach to evaluating AI performance, gathering user feedback, and iteratively improving AI features over time.   AI-Enhanced User Experiences: How To Create More Engaging Products When implemented thoughtfully, AI can enhance user experiences. The following questions will help you understand how a potential partner leverages AI to create more engaging, personalized, and accessible digital products. How do you personalize digital products with AI? Look for examples of how AI can tailor content, recommendations, or interfaces based on user behavior and preferences while respecting privacy. How does AI improve accessibility? For example, AI can enhance features like voice recognition, text-to-speech, or adaptive interfaces to make apps more accessible to all users. How do you balance automation with human touch in user interactions? Look for an understanding of when AI is appropriate, when human interaction is preferable, and what strategies to integrate both seamlessly. Can you provide examples of how AI has enhanced user engagement in your previous projects? Ask for concrete case studies demonstrating measurable improvements in user engagement through AI implementation. Remember, the right partner should have technical expertise and a clear understanding of AI implementation’s ethical implications and responsibilities.   Our Approach to AI: InspiringApps Philosophy At InspiringApps, we don’t just integrate AI—we do it responsibly. Our AI philosophy: Prioritizes user needs and privacy Solves real problems without compromising ethical standards Continuous innovation in AI with a focus on responsibility and transparency Let’s shape the future of AI together.  

1 month ago

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