Kids and Technology: Developing STEAM skills

2 months ago
Kids and Technology: Developing STEAM skills Image

As a company that delights in using technology to bring ideas to life, we know how important it is for the next generation to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful innovators. While there are many ways this can occur, we appreciate an educational approach called STEAM (standing for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). This philosophy embraces teaching skills and subjects in an integrated way that resembles how those subjects will be applied in real life. Many schools do emphasize STEAM skills, but there are also a number of ways outside the classroom to encourage exploration and growth.

With summer around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning for ways to inspire your student to learn STEAM skills while still having fun! To help you with this, we have put together a few ideas ranging from camps to at-home projects and competitions.

STEAM Skills Camps

There are a number of tech camps around the U.S. that offer a range of STEAM courses and some traditional camp activities for all ages. These camps are wonderful opportunities to develop new skills and help students identify their talents and interests. Here are a few well-known STEAM camps to begin your search:

iD Tech: For those local to Boulder, iD Tech takes place at CU Boulder and runs one-, two-, and four-week long programs focusing on coding, game development, design, and robotics. For those outside of Boulder, iD Tech programs are offered at a variety of locations across the U.S. These programs are geared for students of all skill levels age 7-18. iD Tech guarantees small class sizes and tech-savvy staff teaching courses in AI, machine, learning, film, and more.

Engineering for Kids: Engineering for Kids offers a variety of science, technology, engineering, and math education programs for kids ages 4-14, including after-school enrichment, summer camps, birthday parties, field trips, scout activities, and more. Participants have the opportunity to design, build, test, and refine their own creations in a fun and exciting atmosphere. Locally, Engineering For Kids can be found in Denver, but they also have locations across the U.S and Canada.

Emagination Tech Camp: Emagination Tech Camp has been operating since 1982, running two-week sessions for kids ages 8-17 that balance tech workshops with summer fun. There are 25 STEAM skills workshop options in four different categories: digital art & media, coding, engineering, and video game design, who knows maybe they’ll be working with the likes of Randy Pitchford one day, who recently did an unfiltered interview about his life and professional career, to give more inspiration to budding video game designers.


The camps are offered at university campuses in Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, but do not let that deter you if you are not local to those states, Emagination offers transportation assistance for traveling campers.

Digital Media Academy: Digital Media Academy (DMA) operates out of 10 colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada, offering day and overnight programs for kids ages 6-18. Each participant completes a real-world project under the guidance of a certified professional during their program. Kids ages 6-8 can take part in Jr. Adventures, exploring drama and digital filmmaking, enviro-conscious technologies, and photo editing. Kids ages 9-11 can choose from workshops like special effect filmmaking, game design. and cartoon/comic creation. DMA also offers pre-teen and teen courses ranging in skill from beginner to advanced, and offers Apple and Adobe certification courses to teens age 13 and older. All summer courses are eligible to be counted as credits through the Stanford University Continuing Studies Program.

National Computer Camps: Founded in 1977, National Computer Camp (NCC) offers programs for kids ages 8-18, plus morning half-day camps for kids ages 6-8, at their four locations: New York, Atlanta, Connecticut and Ohio. NCC offers courses in game design, web design, Android app programming, video production, software apps, as well as offering A+ hardware, software and network+ certification, and PSAT and SAT Math preparation classes. In addition to the courses offered, campers have the opportunity to participate in sports each afternoon. NCC has created a quick information guide to provide an overview of the camp.

STEAM Projects & Awards

For students who will be at home for the summer, break is a wonderful time to get started on a new project. Not only will this keep your student busy, it will help them learn essential leadership skills, boost their college application, and turn into something rewarding (literally and figuratively).

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes: If your student is passionate about environmental conservation, the Gloria Barron Prize honors 25 young leaders each year who have made a significant, positive impact on their communities and the environment. This could be an opportunity to combine your students’ unique talents and skills into a meaningful project, The Gloria Barron Prize has even put together a resources page for inspiration.

The President’s Environmental Youth Award: If your student is part of a group or organization that is passionate about environmentalism, the President’s Environmental Youth Award (PEYA) recognizes outstanding environmental projects by K-12 youth. Since 1971, the President of the United States has joined with EPA to recognize young people for protecting our nation’s air, water, land, and ecology. Each year the PEYA program honors a wide variety of projects developed by young individuals, school classes (kindergarten through high school), summer camps, public interest groups, and youth organizations to promote environmental awareness.

FIRST: FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) inspires young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills. FIRST is available to students in kindergarten through high school and offers research and robotics programs to inspire innovation and motivate students to pursue education and career opportunities in science, tech, engineering and math.

STEAM Skills Resources

For those whose daily schedule requires a little more flexibility than a camp or extended-project would allow, there are a number of resources that provide quick STEAM skills projects and activities for students at home. Here is a short list of blogs to help get you started:

Tech Age Kids: This site covers everything from digital parenting issues to tech products and toys that inspire students, children and teens. As they authors say, “Our focus is on products that teach kids about tech or get them using innovative technology.”

The STEM Laboratory: This site, created by Malia who has a Master’s in Education from Stanford University, provides creative STEM activities for preschool, first grade, and second grade students. (Note: STEM is similar to STEAM, but lacks the added emphasis on the arts.)

Left Brain Craft Brain: This blog has a variety of STEM and STEAM activities for kids to explore this summer and has a separate section for 5-minute crafts, for those who need a quick art fix.

In closing, since we are especially fond of software development (one type of STEAM skill), we’ll wrap up by pointing you to a great compilation by Common Sense Education on the best apps and websites for learning to code. As noted in an earlier blog post on Swift Playgrounds, we have used Swift ourselves, and found it to be a great resource. Hope your kids – and you – find a good match in one of the suggestions above.

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Custom Application Solutions Decoded: The B2B Decision-Maker’s Guide

Is your off-the-shelf B2B software holding you back? Growing companies may find themselves at a crossroads, realizing their tools are not the launchpad they truly need. But while the stakes are high, the choice doesn’t have to be.  Your B2B business processes are unique, and your software should reflect that. Here’s how. Understanding Custom Solutions in B2B Products Let’s break it down: custom application solutions are tailor-made software designed to solve specific business challenges. Unlike off-the-shelf products, which are built to cover general needs, custom solutions are designed with your unique workflows, systems, and goals in mind. There are two main types of custom solutions: Full Custom Applications: Built from scratch, these applications are crafted specifically for your business, often designed to solve a single, complex problem or to address multiple needs in one tool. Customized Off-the-Shelf Applications: Sometimes, a base application can be modified to better fit your needs, adding custom features to enhance its functionality. Many B2B companies find themselves at a crossroads when their annual revenue hits the $5-10 million mark or when they’re experiencing 20%+ year-over-year growth. At this stage, the limitations of off-the-shelf solutions become glaringly apparent, and the need for custom applications becomes critical for continued scalability and efficiency. Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf: Making the Right Choice Sticking with ill-fitting off-the-shelf solutions can have serious consequences. Companies risk losing market share to more agile competitors, experiencing data silos that hinder decision-making, and facing increased operational costs due to inefficiencies. By contrast, companies using custom software solutions can increase employee productivity compared to those relying solely on off-the-shelf options. Flexibility Custom Solutions: Offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing for modifications as your business evolves. You can design them to adapt to your unique processes rather than forcing you to adapt to the software. Off-the-Shelf: Typically has a fixed set of features with limited customization options. While updates may occur, they’re based on general market needs, not your specific requirements. Integration Custom Solutions: Can be custom-built to integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack, ensuring smooth data flow and process continuity across your organization. Off-the-Shelf: May offer integration options, but these are often limited and may require additional middleware or compromises in your workflow. Cost Custom Solutions: While initial development costs are higher, custom solutions can offer lower long-term costs due to reduced licensing fees, better efficiency, and lower training and support needs. Off-the-Shelf: Lower upfront costs, but ongoing licensing fees, the potential need for multiple solutions to meet all requirements, and costs associated with adapting processes can add up over time. Speed Custom Solutions: Development time can be longer, but the solution is ready to use immediately upon completion without adaptations. Off-the-Shelf: Quicker to implement initially, but time spent on workarounds, training, and adapting processes can extend the effective implementation time. Capabilities Custom Solutions: Provide a unique tool tailored to your competitive strategy, potentially offering capabilities your competitors don’t have. Off-the-Shelf: While they can improve efficiency, they don’t offer a distinct competitive advantage as they’re available to all. Maintenance Custom Solutions: Require a dedicated support team, in-house or from your development partner. This team will have deep knowledge of your specific solution. Off-the-Shelf: Offer standardized support, which can be extensive but may not always address your specific needs or use cases. Where Custom Application Solutions Shine Sometimes, the features you need just don’t exist in off-the-shelf products. Building something tailored ensures you get exactly what your business requires. Wondering if it’s time to make the leap? If you find yourself bending over backward to make existing tools work, a custom solution might save you time (and sanity).  When off-the-shelf solutions just don’t cut it, it’s time to go custom. Here are the scenarios where custom applications really shine. Complex, Industry-Specific Workflows Consider a B2B logistics company with a proprietary routing algorithm or a SaaS provider with a unique customer onboarding process. Generic software often can’t adequately support these distinctive workflows. Custom solutions can embed these unique processes directly into the software, turning them from operational challenges into competitive advantages. High-Security Environments When you’re dealing with sensitive information or high-value transactions, security isn’t just a feature—it’s a necessity. Custom applications allow you to build the exact security measures you need, ensuring that your data—and your client’s—stays safe. Custom solutions let you sleep easy at night in environments where trust is everything. Rapid Scaling & Frequent Pivots Fast-growing businesses don’t have time to wait for off-the-shelf software to catch up. Whether you’re scaling from startup to enterprise or pivoting to meet a market shift, custom solutions grow with you. Instead of wrestling with rigid tools, you’ll have a system designed to adapt as you expand so you can focus on the big picture. Integration-Heavy Tech Stacks Businesses relying on a wide array of tools need their systems to work together seamlessly. Custom applications make integrating with legacy systems, third-party tools, or other mission-critical software easy. The result? A fully connected, optimized tech stack that improves efficiency across the board.  Innovation-Driven Business Models If innovation is at the core of your business, you need a custom solution that lets you stand out. Whether you’re digitizing a customer experience or introducing other industry-disrupting products, custom applications give you the flexibility to experiment and push boundaries—because the last thing an innovative company needs is software holding them back. Case Study in Custom Applications: A B2B SaaS Scalability Dilemma Imagine you’re the product owner at a hypothetical B2B SaaS company experiencing rapid growth. Your current off-the-shelf CRM and project management tools were great initially, but now they’re struggling to keep up. Here’s how custom software could help in this scenario: Workflow Integration: Operations require seamless data flow between departments. With custom solutions, workflows can be streamlined, boosting team productivity. Scalability: As the company scales, so can its software. There will be no more clunky workarounds or limitations—just a system that grows with the company. Security: Custom security measures help prevent vulnerabilities, reducing risks during expansion into new markets. Don’t wait until your tools become bottlenecks. If you’re starting to feel the pinch as you grow, it’s time to think custom. Practical Thinking Take a moment to assess your current software setup. Are you struggling with limitations, inefficiencies, or security concerns? If so, it might be time to consider a custom solution. It may be helpful to list the specific pain points you’re experiencing and how a tailored application could solve them. Best Practices for Managing Custom Application Projects to the Finish Line Ensuring smooth sailing through a custom project requires the right methodologies and communication. Here’s how to keep things on track: 1. Agile Methodologies Agile methodologies are perfect for custom applications because they allow for iteration and flexibility. By breaking the project into smaller sprints, you can adjust based on stakeholder feedback and user testing, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your goals. 2. Effective Communication Between Product & Development Teams Communication is everything in custom application delivery. Regular check-ins between product owners and development teams can help mitigate misunderstandings and ensure the product timeline stays on track. Tools like collaborative platforms help bridge gaps and keep everyone informed. The more open the communication, the fewer surprises down the road. 3. Risk Management & Mitigation Strategies No project is without risk, but anticipating challenges early can save you a lot of pain later. From budget overruns to missed deadlines, having a clear risk management plan will allow you to tackle problems before they derail the entire project. Concluding Thoughts: Custom Applications as Strategic Assets In the “sassy” world of B2B SaaS, standing out from the competition is no easy feat. Off-the-shelf solutions might get you started, but they don’t always carry you to the finish line. Custom applications reflect unique B2B processes and drive long-term success. How? By tailoring workflows to your specific needs, seamlessly integrating with your existing tech stack, scaling alongside your business growth, and embedding your proprietary processes directly into your software.  Think about where your business is headed in 2025. What challenges will you face, and what tools will you need to overcome them? If your tech setup can’t answer those questions, it may be time to explore custom application solutions. The companies that win aren’t just the ones with the best ideas—they’re the ones with the right tools to make those ideas a reality.

2 months ago

Custom Solutions

Mobile Device Security: Data Protection on iOS & Android

It may not feel essential to the user experience, but security can make or break it. From cloud security and API security to data protection and encryption, security is a priority, and it helps us build better apps. Apps that protect our users’ data and earn their trust for good reason. In this article, we’ll discuss how to protect user data on both iOS and Android platforms, from first launch to enterprise. Mobile Devices, Data & Privacy Mobile devices constantly collect and share data, making personal privacy an issue. Mobile devices collect various types of user information, including personal details, app usage, and location data. This information can be shared with third parties for purposes such as ad targeting, analytics, and service improvements. However, the extent and nature of this data sharing are not always transparent to users. While companies are required to disclose data collection practices and obtain user consent in some jurisdictions (e.g., under the GDPR in the EU), the implementation and enforcement of privacy laws vary across regions. Some large tech companies, including Google and Meta, have faced significant fines for privacy violations, indicating that regulations like GDPR can hold companies accountable. Both Google and Meta have been fined for privacy violations, demonstrating that GDPR in Europe “has some teeth,” according to Brad Weber. Concerns arise when third parties use collected data in unexpected ways, such as selling it to other companies or using it for purposes beyond what users initially consented to. The lack of consistent, strong privacy protections across all regions leaves many mobile device users vulnerable to potential misuse of their personal information. To protect their privacy, users can take steps such as reviewing app permissions, using privacy-focused browsers and search engines, and supporting initiatives that push for stronger, more uniform privacy regulations globally. As a product owner, prioritize data minimization to protect user privacy. Mobile devices constantly collect and share data, which can be used to track users’ locations, activities, and personal information. Data protection, security, and privacy are crucial components of data well-being, and product owners have a responsibility to safeguard user data. For an app to function properly, it may require access to sensitive information such as the user’s location or contacts list. However, it is essential to obtain explicit user consent before accessing or sharing any such data. Product owners should carefully evaluate the necessity of each piece of data collected and ensure that users are fully informed about how their data will be used. As an iOS developer (or any other type), you should always ask yourself: “Is this necessary?” If not—and if alternative methods are available—you should use those instead. Data is a precious resource—one of the most valuable assets to an organization that must be protected accordingly. With data sharing, less is more. Collecting only what you truly need will help protect your users’ privacy and security from potential hackers who might try stealing sensitive information from them through malware attacks on their mobile phone/tablet devices. As an iOS developer or any other type of developer, always ask yourself: “Is this data absolutely necessary for the app’s core functionality?” If not, and if alternative methods are available, prioritize those options instead. Collecting only the minimum amount of data required not only helps protect users’ privacy but also reduces the potential impact of data breaches. Data is one of the most valuable assets to an organization and must be protected accordingly. By adopting a data minimization approach and collecting only what is truly necessary, product owners can help safeguard users’ privacy and security from potential threats, such as hackers attempting to steal sensitive information through malware attacks on mobile devices. Furthermore, being transparent about data collection practices and providing users with clear options to control their data can help build trust and foster a positive relationship between the app and its users. Regularly reviewing and updating data collection practices in line with evolving privacy regulations and best practices is also crucial for maintaining a strong commitment to user privacy. Android & Apple: How They Handle Security Differently Ensuring the safety of our personal data and privacy is of utmost importance, and that’s where mobile security comes into play. When it comes to this, two of the biggest players in the market are Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. While iOS is renowned for its closed ecosystem and timely security updates, Android’s strength lies in its open nature. Let’s delve deeper into their respective security mechanisms and compare their attributes. Which is more secure—iOS or Android? In general, iOS is considered to be more secure than Android. This is due to several factors, including: Apple’s Closed Ecosystem: Apple has much more control over the hardware and software that goes into its devices, which makes it more difficult for hackers to find and exploit vulnerabilities. Apple’s Aggressive Security Patching: Apple quickly releases security patches for its devices, which helps keep users safe from known vulnerabilities. Android’s Fragmentation: The Android ecosystem is very fragmented, with many different manufacturers and carriers offering their own operating system versions. This makes it more difficult for Google to release security patches for all Android devices and gives hackers more targets to exploit. However, it is important to note that no operating system is 100% secure. There have been malware and hacking attacks on iOS and Android devices. Ultimately, the security of your device depends on both the operating system and the user’s behavior. Android and iOS devices employ various security measures to keep data safe. Both Android and iOS use strong encryption features to protect data. If a device is stolen, the data cannot be accessed without the encryption key. However, there are differences in encryption methods between the two platforms. Android employs device-specific keys that are unique to each device. This means there is no universal key for all Android devices. Google services like Gmail or Chrome may have separate keys associated with them. Both the device-specific key and the Google key are required to access data. In contrast, iOS uses a combination of device-specific keys and iCloud keys. Even if someone has a device, they still need the iCloud password to access the data. While both platforms have strong encryption features, encryption is not foolproof. It is essential to take additional security measures to keep data safe. Security Features on Android Devices By utilizing data encryption, data accessibility, and other security features, Android devices effectively safeguard data against unauthorized access: Data Encryption: Android’s encryption features have become increasingly sophisticated and robust. All Android devices are encrypted by default, and Android 12 introduces improvements such as enhanced file-based encryption, stronger encryption for sensitive data, and new security features for app developers. Data Accessibility: Android devices use a permission system to regulate app data access. Only apps with granted permissions can access specific data. App permissions can be managed in Settings > Apps & notifications > Advanced > App permissions. Malware: Google Play Protect scans apps for malware and other security threats and monitors devices for suspicious activity.  Two-Factor Authentication: Android two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to Android devices and accounts by requiring a code from users’ phones and their passwords when logging in. Android users can enable Android 2FA in Settings > Security > 2-step verification. Find My: Find My Device helps locate lost or stolen devices and allows data erasure, if necessary. Dedicated Storage: Trusty is a dedicated secure subsystem on Android devices that securely stores sensitive data like fingerprint and face scan data. This data is encrypted and can only be accessed by authorized apps with the correct credentials. Security Updates: Google regularly releases security updates for Android, addressing potential vulnerabilities that attackers may exploit. It is important to install these updates promptly. Furthermore, Google’s latest Android operating system introduces new default app security features. Since Android 7.0 Nougat (released in 2016) automatically encrypts all Android devices. The data on the device is protected by a strong encryption key accessible only with the device passcode, PIN, or pattern. Android 12, the latest version, introduces additional security features, including: Enhanced Encryption: Android 12 encrypts files with unique keys, making it harder for attackers to access data even with compromised device encryption keys. Stronger encryption algorithms protect sensitive data like biometric authentication and app credentials. New Security Features for App Developers: Android 12 provides new APIs for developers to implement secure encryption practices. Security Features on iOS Devices iOS devices use a variety of security features to keep your data safe, including: Data Encryption: Using a strong encryption algorithm, iOS devices encrypt all user data by default. This means that if someone were to steal your device or gain unauthorized access to the data, they would not be able to read it without the encryption key. Your device passcode, PIN, or pattern protects the encryption key. Data Accessibility: iOS devices use a permission system to control which apps can access data. This means that apps can only access data you have permitted. You can control app permissions using Settings > Privacy & Security > App Permissions. Malware: Apple does not have a built-in malware scanner for iOS. Instead, Apple relies on several other security features to protect iOS devices, such as: Sandbox: iOS uses a sandbox system to isolate apps from each other and the system. This prevents malicious apps from accessing other apps or system files. Code Signing: All apps on the App Store are code-signed by Apple. This means that Apple has verified the developer’s identity, and the app has not been tampered with. Automatic Security Updates: iOS devices automatically receive security updates from Apple. This helps to keep iOS devices up to date with the latest security patches. Two-Factor Authentication: 2FA is a security feature that adds an extra layer of protection to your account by requiring you to enter a code from your phone and your password when logging in. You can enable 2FA for your Apple ID by going to Settings > Your Name > Password & Security. Find My: Find My is a service that can help you to locate your lost or stolen device. It can also help you erase your device’s data if necessary. Dedicated Storage: Secure Enclave is a dedicated chip that securely stores sensitive data like fingerprint and face scan data. This encrypted data can only be accessed with the iOS user’s passcode, PIN, or pattern. Security Updates: Apple releases security updates for iOS regularly. These updates patch security vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. It is important to install security updates as soon as they are available. Furthermore, the latest iOS release, iOS 16, introduces several new security features and enhancements that help to protect users from a wide range of threats. Some of these features are, notably: Lockdown Mode: Lockdown Mode is a new mode that provides an extreme level of security for users who face targeted threats to their digital security. When Lockdown Mode is enabled, certain features and functionality are limited to help protect users from targeted attacks. For example, most messaging attachments other than images are blocked, and incoming FaceTime calls from unknown callers are prevented. Enhanced Privacy Controls: iOS 16 includes several new privacy controls, such as the ability to choose which apps are allowed to access your location and the ability to see which apps have accessed your clipboard in the past hour. Regarding apps and mobile devices, it’s clear that security is on everyone’s mind. With great convenience comes great responsibility. It’s important to approach security thoughtfully to navigate the digital landscape. Taking Security Further As a developer, you can go beyond what the OS offers by investing in security from the ground up. Taking the right precautions when developing mobile apps can help ensure user data is safe. The first step is to use a secure coding language and development environment. You can also implement specific security measures such as encryption, 2FA, and biometrics authentication. Securing Your First App The first step to ensuring your user data is safe is a secure coding language and development environment. There are many ways that hackers can get access to your app’s code, so it’s important that you use secure coding practices at every step of the process. If you are launching an app for the first time, the most important security things for you to know and implement are: Start with a security-first mindset. Keep security in mind throughout development, from design to implementation to testing. Don’t underestimate the importance of security testing. Hire a security professional to test your app before you release it. Be transparent with your users about how you are protecting their data. Publish a privacy policy and explain to your users how you are using their data. Be responsive to security vulnerabilities. If a security vulnerability is discovered in your app, fix it immediately and release a patch. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your first app is secure and that your users have a positive experience. For enterprise-level data protection, add an extra layer of control. In addition to the above measures, large enterprise apps may also need to consider the following: Implement two-factor authentication for all of your apps. 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your apps by requiring users to enter a code from their phone in addition to their password when logging in. Use biometrics to authenticate users. Biometrics, such as fingerprints and face scans, are a secure way to authenticate users. Use a threat modeling process to identify and mitigate security risks. Threat modeling is a process that helps you to identify and assess potential security threats to your app. Once you have identified the threats, you can implement mitigation strategies to reduce the risk. Implement role-based access control. Role-based access control (RBAC) is a system that controls which users have access to which resources in your app. This helps to prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data or performing unauthorized actions. Implement a zero-trust security model. A zero-trust security model assumes no user or device can be trusted by default. This approach can help protect your app from unauthorized access, even if an attacker can compromise a user’s account or device. In addition to the above measures, large enterprise apps may need to comply with various regulations, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR. These regulations often have specific security requirements that must be met. It is important to educate your employees about security best practices. Security awareness and training will help reduce the risk of human error, a major cause of security breaches. Treat security as a competitive advantage. Mobile app security has become a top priority for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing number of data breaches and cyberattacks targeting mobile apps, users are more discerning than ever about the apps they download and use. Businesses that take mobile app security seriously can gain a significant competitive advantage. Many users need to be made aware of the security features available in mobile apps. Businesses can gain a competitive advantage by highlighting their app’s security features in marketing materials and app store listings. You can also innovate using security to your advantage. Taking mobile app security seriously can increase customer trust, loyalty, and market share. Focus on Security: Case Study For example, security is paramount in the rapidly evolving real estate industry. Buyers, sellers, and agents must be confident that their personal and financial information is safe and secure. inHere understands this and has made mobile app security a top priority. Industry experts have recognized this focus on mobile app security. inHere was nominated as an honorable mention for the Fast Company Security category of the prestigious Innovation by Design Awards. inHere’s focus on mobile app security has helped the company to build a reputation as a trusted and innovative platform for real estate transactions. This reputation has given inHere a competitive advantage in the market. Mobile Device Security Affects Everyone If you take the right precautions when developing mobile apps, you can ensure user data is safe. Personal privacy has become a pressing issue with the advent of mobile devices. With so much data being collected and shared by these devices, developers must be aware of the security and privacy concerns of creating iOS or Android apps. By following best practices when developing your app and keeping up with current trends in mobile technology, you can ensure that users will have peace of mind when using your product.

1 year ago

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