InspiringApps Wins a Prestigious Tabby Award

InspiringApps Wins a Prestigious Tabby Award Image

We’re excited to share that the retail merchandising app we created for SmartWool was named the 2015 winner of the Tabby Award /Business in the iPad App: Data Access & Collection category! We are thrilled to join ranks with other companies who have been in the winners circle like Citrix, SAP, Morningstar, RosettaStone, and Adobe.

The Tabby Award /Business is the only global competition that recognizes the top enterprise and business apps in the industry. Apps are evaluated on numerous criteria, including overall business value, user experience, design, innovation, tablet optimization, and performance. As a company that strives to demonstrate best practices in leveraging technology, we are honored that other industry leaders recognize our commitment to excellence.

An international panel of 24 judges reviewed over 150 apps before selecting the winners. With more than 300,000 business apps collectively available on Android and iOS devices, winners are positioned in the top 0.01% of all apps. “The lineup of apps this year was incredibly impressive,” noted judging panel chair Carson Conant, CEO of Mediafly. “The slate of apps this year brought the perfect mix of business utility and the clean interfaces that you see in the best consumer apps.”

The SmartWool app leverages the extensive experience we have in helping organizations of all sizes to collect, access, and successfully employ business-critical data. This expertise was recognized by the judging panel, who stated, “We immediately recognized the value of the SmartWool FSR app for streamlining field data collection, decreasing reporting time, and improving store service. We found the app to be highly intuitive with clear dashboards and reporting.”

As you may recall, a sales presentation app that we developed in conjunction with Gulfstream Aerospace was also one of two finalists for a different Tabby Award.  In this case, we must tip our hat to Adobe for winning the iPad App: Marketing & Presentation category. Congratulations!

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Digital Product Development

Apple TV: The Unsung Hero of Digital Signage

In developing digital products over the past 15-plus years, we’ve seen a lot of technological trends come and go. But Apple TV is one platform that has consistently flown under the radar yet proven its mettle. The way we communicate with our audiences is constantly evolving. Traditional static signage is losing its edge, and businesses are seeking dynamic, engaging solutions for digital signage. Enter Apple TV — this little box packs a serious punch. Digital Signage Powerhouse With Apple TV, you can develop custom digital signage solutions that blow the competition out of the water. From the user interface to the content you display, custom Apple TV solutions enable you to create a digital customer experience that elevates your brand. These configurations connect seamlessly with your existing data sources, ensuring real-time information and a dynamic display that reflects your unique needs. And you maintain control over your digital signage network remotely. Innovative Use Cases Take the example of the commercial solar power client we worked with. Their car dealership customers want to showcase the real-time solar power production of their rooftop installation to demonstrate the dealership’s commitment to clean energy when selling to EV buyers. We designed and developed a sleek, unattended kiosk application that runs on Apple TV and displays this information in a visually stunning, dynamic way. We’ve seen Apple TV powering interactive digital signage in restaurants, showrooms, and even corporate offices. The opportunities for creativity and customization are often untapped. Apple TVs provide the flexibility to create engaging experiences for any industry. Dynamic Data Integration Custom Apple TV configurations go beyond displaying static images. Digital signage via Apple TV seamlessly connects with your data sources, allowing you to showcase real-time information like sales figures, energy production, or appointment wait times in healthcare facilities. Imagine stock tickers updating in real-time for financial institutions or dynamic restaurant menus that adjust based on current ingredient availability. Interactive Experiences Engage your audience with interactive elements. Customers in showrooms can use their smartphones or tablets to trigger augmented reality displays on product displays, revealing detailed specifications or 3D models. Employees can interact with digital wayfinding systems in corporate offices to find meeting rooms or navigate the building. Content Personalization Target your message to reach a specific audience based on demographics or real-time data. Imagine retail stores displaying personalized promotions to customers using their loyalty cards or healthcare facilities providing targeted information based on a patient’s specific needs. Internal Communication Boost employee morale and keep your workforce informed with real-time company news, updates, and recognition programs displayed on lobby screens or breakroom TVs. Or, streamline the onboarding process and provide ongoing training opportunities with interactive video tutorials and presentations accessible on demand. Security Features When showcasing sensitive information, security is paramount. Apple TV boasts a robust security foundation with features like app sandboxing and regular updates. Custom development allows us to build upon these strengths and tailor security measures to your needs. Client Recognition InspiringApps’ client, Freedom Solar Power, is a company dedicated to sustainable energy solutions. Their innovative ‘Power Window’ Apple TV app was featured in Toyota’s booth at the 2024 National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) trade show in Las Vegas as an important component in meeting Toyota’s 2050 Environmental Challenge. Digital Signage for All As veterans of digital product development, we see Apple TV as the unsung hero of the digital signage world. If you want to elevate your organization’s visual communications, you might look closer at this little powerhouse. With Apple’s continued investment in the tvOS platform, we’re confident that we’ll see even more innovative use cases emerge in the years to come.

3 months ago

Business & Strategy

How Company Culture Drives Innovation in App Development

In today’s fast-paced, high-demand digital world, clients expect app development agencies to deliver highly innovative and top-notch solutions—an impossible task without the right people working. Companies that prioritize creating creative workplace cultures are well suited to hire and keep talent that drives productivity, teamwork, and respect.  A company’s culture is critical to its success in the app development industry. This blog post explores how an innovative workplace culture within an app development agency can lead to better solutions and experiences for digital product owners. What is innovative company culture? An innovative company culture is a collaborative environment that encourages out-of-the-box thinking and fosters a spirit of exploration and experimentation. It’s a paradigm that values diversity and inclusion, understanding that unique perspectives are the bedrock of originality and innovation. A supportive company culture: Practices clear communication and mutual respect, creating a space where everyone feels heard and validated. Emphasizes creativity and intellectual curiosity, encouraging employees to challenge norms and create disruptive solutions. Trusts employees, cultivating a landscape where individuals feel safe to express ideas without fear of judgment or ridicule. Shies away from office politics, focusing on collective progress rather than individual agendas. More and more employees are seeking this innovative and empowering company culture. A recent study by Glassdoor found that 77% of job seekers consider company culture before applying for a job, and 56% of employees rank culture as more important than salary. These numbers indicate a shift in the job market, with employees prioritizing personal growth, creativity, and job satisfaction over financial remuneration. This shift changes how companies attract talent and significantly impacts team synergy and client satisfaction. How Company Culture Fuels Innovation Among App Development Employees Consider a high-performing app development team. Behind their success, you’ll often find a vibrant, supportive company culture providing the backbone for their achievements. This culture doesn’t just exist; it actively molds, empowers, and inspires the team in key ways. Employee Longevity & Retention A positive company culture: Fosters employee loyalty. Boosts morale. Reduces turnover rates. Leads to a more dedicated, efficient, and satisfied workforce. This culture is a noteworthy factor in retaining talent and attracting new, competent employees, thereby contributing significantly to an organization’s success and efficiency. At InspiringApps, we prioritize building a workplace culture that inspires creativity and empowers employees to innovate and contribute meaningfully. All these facets of the company culture allow our team to thrive and grow at the company, leading to long tenures. Nearly 40% of our team has worked together for six years or more.  A statement from an InspiringApps team member on our recent anonymous survey illustrates the power of culture to impact retention: “I have never worked with such a talented and supportive group of people. Management is incredibly honest, transparent, and ethical, and if anything, I never want to leave!” Collaboration, Teamwork & Respect Maintaining respect in the workplace and presuming the best of your teammates is essential for any successful company. Errors are usually a result of process problems, not people, and a good company acknowledges that to make room for understanding and learning rather than blame and defensiveness. This approach significantly reduces the negative impacts of office politics on team dynamics, fostering a more supportive and collaborative atmosphere. An environment where each member feels valued, heard, and judgment-free, truly fuels innovation. When people feel safe to think differently, take calculated risks, and push boundaries without fear of retribution, they can contribute to creating innovative products that resonate in the marketplace. InspiringApps values teamwork and collaboration, with employees contributing in good faith and focusing on producing the best work. The absence of politics and the encouragement of mutual respect create a positive atmosphere where everyone’s voice is valued. In another quote from our recent employee survey: “Management finds the best people to hire in every department. Mutual respect is genuine among all team members.” Impact of Positive Company Culture on Clients A vibrant and positive company culture benefits employees and profoundly impacts clients. When employees are motivated and respected and work collaboratively, it translates into their work and service quality. Clients receive exceptional quality products and services, building trust and strengthening relationships. The energy of a positive work environment permeates through every interaction, making clients feel valued and appreciated in a few specific ways. Client Benefits of a Positive, Supportive Culture Good communication with app partners brings clients a significant business advantage. Working with a flexible, positive, and problem-solving-oriented team ensures that client needs are accurately understood, prioritized, and effectively addressed, resulting in tailored solutions that align perfectly with their business goals. This transparent, open, and consistent communication minimizes misunderstandings, reduces project delays, and increases efficiency. It fosters a synergistic relationship in which clients are regularly updated and are part of the decision-making process, thereby nurturing trust and satisfaction. Ultimately, these elements contribute positively to the client’s bottom line, as the more accurately the solution addresses their needs, the greater the return on their investment.  InspiringApps’ style brings these benefits to the forefront. While bringing an outside expert perspective, our honest approach to problem-solving helps propel solutions forward. For example, our client, Fidelity National Financial, commended our collaborative approach: “We appreciate that the InspiringApps team is straightforward and honest. If there’s something we’re doing that doesn’t make sense, or that’s hard, we just have conversations about it. No games, no dancing around it—you just tell us, and we work through it together.” Client Benefits of a Collaborative Culture In many situations, clients who partner with app development companies boasting a robust collaborative culture enjoy amplified project success. Having access to a top-tier talent pool, they are privy to the best and most innovative ideas coming to the fore. This collective talent shares many perspectives, brainstorming ways to approach the project to optimally meet the client’s vision and goals. The collaborative culture ensures that the team is not merely ticking off a task list but engaged in a continuous process of ideation, refinement, and innovation.  At InspiringApps, our culture results in a bespoke solution that encapsulates the client’s unique needs and aspirations, far exceeding a standard, one-size-fits-all product. As a recent InspiringApps client, Good Nutrition Ideas, stated: “Working with the InspiringApps team of designers and developers was an excellent first app experience for us. They were already familiar with accessibility issues in apps and app development, and they continued to learn and deliver on this app directed at people with disabilities. We anticipate working with them again, which is the best recommendation there is!” Supportive Company Culture: A Win for Employees & Clients An innovative workplace culture within an app development agency is vital in creating better solutions and experiences for digital product owners. Creating a supportive work environment emphasizing teamwork, innovation, and respect leads to a highly motivated, engaged, and productive workforce. Moreover, these qualities lay the groundwork for creating a solid foundation for employees’ personal and professional growth, resulting in an overall positive experience both for employees and clients. At InspiringApps, we remain committed to fostering an exceptional workplace culture, driving employee engagement and productivity, and developing innovative solutions. We’re proud that, as a result, we’ve been Certified™ by Great Place to Work®  for three consecutive years. Discover how culture fuels everything we do by viewing our Inspired Employees Make InspiringApps series.

6 months ago

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