We build custom
apps that inspire
the way people
We build custom apps
that inspire the way people
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Custom mobile app development

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Metaphor for impactful app design and development. A graph shows iOS and Android icons intersecting in the InspiringApps brand

Software development that makes an impact

Easy to use is often hard to design, so we sweat the details, treating your custom app development project like our own. So much so that clients repeatedly tell us that they love working with us because we passionately dig into projects alongside them. We’re custom app developers, but what we offer is inspiration and implementation to help companies impact their employees, customers, and communities. Inspiration is what we do—after all, “inspiring” is in our name.

Software devices including desktop, tablet, mobile, and smart watches

Boulder, CO


200+ Apps

Mobile & Web

17 years

In Business

Innovative digital products beyond the code

Our award-winning web app development services and custom mobile apps are powered by cutting-edge AI and automation, making the complex simple and handling large data sets with ease. But that’s just the beginning. We go beyond the code to offer strategic solutions within our clients’ fintech and enterprise organizations.

The future belongs to those who are proactive and innovative. By partnering with InspiringApps, you can discover new sources of revenue and engage with your customers in unique and exciting ways. Our team has extensive knowledge in advanced technologies. From generative AI to spatial computing, we’re geared to help you propel your business to a brighter, more secure future.

Clients from startups to enterprise

Award-winning app design

Client satisfaction is our most valued metric, but we are also honored our work is recognized for excellence in mobile and web app development and UI/UX design by leading organizations in the field.

inHere Application Image
Modernizing real estate transactions to secure financial data

A real estate transaction involves many people, milestones, data, and systems coordinated through email, which puts millions of homebuyer dollars at risk. Our client reimagined the home buying process to make it more efficient, transparent, and secure. The inHere vision matched InspiringApps’ ability to solve complex, enterprise-level challenges with secure solutions that both protect and delight end users. Recognized by Fast Company’s Innovation by Design award, the inHere app has helped over a million users safeguard their financial futures.

Happy people make great products

InspiringApps nurtured a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity from the start. Yearly Great Places to Work® Certifications™ exemplify our commitment to culture and are validated by our fabulous team. But that recognition is only a small window into the little things our team does daily to reinforce our core values and support expert engineering talent.

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AI Artificial Intelligence

Your Brand AI: Balancing Authenticity & Automation

With the rising influence of brand AI in content production, a double-edged sword emerges—the potential amplification of your brand‘s reach against the backdrop of losing its human touch. We‘re investigating AI‘s impact on brand voice and what it means for your digital legacy. We‘ll explore the power of AI in sustaining brand voice, pitfalls to avoid, and everything in between. AI Apps Pioneering Personalization AI‘s role in content creation and distribution for digital products and mobile apps is monumental, catalyzing unparalleled scalability and customization. Through algorithms and machine learning models, AI technologies can analyze vast datasets to generate relevant and personalized content that fits the individual user‘s preferences and behavior patterns. How Brand AI Encourages Personalization A consistent AI brand voice ensures a seamless user experience, reinforcing brand identity and values. By crafting personalized recommendations and suggesting content through AI that reflects a brand‘s unique voice, companies can significantly enhance trust among their audience. This tailored approach makes users feel understood and valued, fostering a deeper connection with the app or platform. A consistent brand voice in these AI-driven suggestions ensures a seamless user experience, reinforcing brand identity and values. Case Study: Starbucks’ AI-Powered App Starbucks’ mobile app is a prime example of leveraging AI for personalization while maintaining a consistent brand voice. The app uses AI to analyze user data, including order history and location, to provide customized recommendations and promotions. It might suggest a user’s favorite drink near a Starbucks location or offer a discount on a pastry they frequently purchase. Importantly, these recommendations are presented in Starbucks’ signature friendly and inviting tone. The AI-generated content feels like a natural extension of the brand rather than a jarring departure. By carefully curating the language and offers, Starbucks ensures that every interaction reinforces its brand identity, even when automated. Why does personalization matter? Personalized interactions keep users engaged in the app longer and transform them into brand advocates. When users encounter a delightful and customized experience, they are more likely to recommend the product or company to friends and peers, expanding its reach and impact organically. This ability of AI to craft and deliver customized content on a massive scale allows digital products to stay competitive, engaging, and valuable to their target audience. Design & Development With Brand AI Brand AI transforms app development into a more intuitive, creative, and efficient process. The benefits of AI in digital product development and design represent a new era of innovation, efficiency, and personalized user experiences. AI can analyze data, predict user behavior, and automate tasks, enabling developers and designers to push the boundaries of what‘s possible. Brand AI transforms app development into a more intuitive, creative, and efficient process. Streamlining Development Processes AI can significantly streamline digital product development by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. AI tools can reduce development time and increase efficiency, from generating code to testing app functions and identifying potential bugs. Developers and designers can focus on innovation, speeding up time-to-market and ensuring high-quality digital experiences. Predictive Analytics & Decision-Making AI-driven predictive analytics can provide product and brand owners valuable insights into future trends and user behaviors. AI can use data analysis to predict popular features, design elements, and evolving user needs. This foresight can inform digital product development decisions, helping to create apps that meet current user expectations and are well-positioned to adapt to future demands. By harnessing the power of AI in design and development, brands can create digital products that meet user needs and anticipate them. This proactive approach sets the stage for enduring customer relationships. Staying Authentic With Brand AI Copy While AI arms us with tools capable of speaking volumes on behalf of our brands, there are inherent risks in relying too heavily on AI writing, especially writing tailored to your brand voice. One wrong note from an AI-crafted message can ring inauthentic to users who are more discerning than we give them credit for. Navigating the AI-Brand Waters Calibrating AI to maintain a human touch is crucial for a compelling brand voice. Here are some key considerations: Quality Control Establishing and fine-tuning the parameters of AI‘s content generation is crucial. Regularly ‘auditing‘ the content to ensure it aligns with the brand‘s ethos is labor-intensive yet non-negotiable. Brand AI brings readiness to embrace “failing fast.” Teams should aim to be precision-guided by data, seeking insights from employees and users about their experiences and interactions. It‘s crucial to ensure that it delivers real value rather than employing AI merely for its own sake. Ethical Editing By their nature, AI systems need to be more capable of understanding copyright concerns and the more nuanced legalities surrounding language usage. Because AI cannot navigate these complexities, brands must carefully monitor input prompts and templates in AI systems.  Moreover, conducting thorough legal reviews of the content generated by these tools is just as critical as it would be for content produced through traditional means. Ensuring compliance with legal standards and copyright laws is essential to avoid potential legal issues, making the oversight of AI-generated content a necessary step in the content creation. Human Oversight It‘s essential to find the right balance between automation and human management.  The unique nuances, emotional connections, and creative insights humans bring are invaluable.  While automation can significantly increase efficiency and streamline processes, it‘s important to remember that no AI system can fully comprehend your brand‘s intricacies and rich heritage as a human can. The unique nuances, emotional connections, and creative insights that humans bring to the table are invaluable. Therefore, while embracing the advantages of automation, consider the necessity for hands-on human creativity and intervention.  This balance is crucial for maintaining the authenticity and depth of your brand, ensuring that it remains relatable and genuine in the eyes of your audience. The Language of Tomorrow AI is constantly changing and adapting to new linguistic patterns and cultural shifts. Companies should stay ahead of these changes to prevent their brand‘s voice from becoming outdated. By doing so, you can maintain a dynamic and resonant brand voice that keeps pace with the evolution of technology and society. AI on the Frontlines of Cultural Sensitivity Brand voice isn‘t just about what you say; it‘s about how you say it in the cultural dialects that resonate. AI can effectively promote diversity and inclusivity when used ethically, enabling your brand to connect with a global audience without missing a beat. Bridging All Tongues AI can uniquely adapt brand messages to myriad cultures through sentiment analysis and language processing while preserving the core voice. Ensuring that AI is culturally literate means your brand can speak confidently in global markets. Building Apps for All Using AI to craft copy, design, and develop applications significantly enhances accessibility, breaking down barriers for people with disabilities.  AI can optimize apps to be more intuitive and user-friendly for individuals with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments. AI can assist in prioritizing features like voice recognition, screen readers, and predictive text, which developers and designers can fine-tune to understand and adapt to each user‘s unique needs. These features broaden the user base and foster an inclusive digital environment where technology empowers everyone. Harnessing the Benefits of AI AI can clarify your brand‘s digital narrative and help iterate faster and more efficiently. However, the collective effort of technology and human ingenuity brings AI-supported projects to life.  When using AI, organizations should work to balance the scales between humans and machines to ensure a quality product. AI is a potent tool, but like any new technology, it comes with responsibility. If you‘re one of the many companies braving the new world of AI, contact InspiringApps today, and together, we‘ll write the next chapter of your brand‘s story.

8 days ago

Digital Products

Web or Mobile App: Which Is the Right Digital Product?

Struggling to choose between a web app or a mobile app (or website)? This guide simplifies your decision. We’ll explore ideal use cases to help you pick the perfect fit for your digital experience. Learn about websites, web apps, mobile apps and when to choose each. Understanding App Types: Websites, Web Apps, & Mobile Apps Websites: Informing & Engaging Users Websites primarily serve to inform users by presenting static or dynamic content like text, images, and videos. They function as digital brochures, portfolios, or news platforms, offering limited interactivity where users primarily consume information rather than actively manipulate it. Websites excel in accessibility, being readily available through any web browser on any device, making them a widely accessible information resource. Examples: Company websites, news websites, online portfolios, and blogs. Web Apps: Interactive Tools for Task Completion Web apps go beyond informing, offering interactive functionalities designed to perform specific tasks and provide dynamic experiences. They empower users to manipulate data, complete actions, and engage with the application in a more immersive way. Online banking, email services, social media platforms, e-commerce stores, and project management tools are all prime examples of web apps. Offering high levels of interactivity, they enable users to navigate through features, manage tasks, and connect with others.  Take the CreatingWe app, for instance. This web app, developed by InspiringApps, specifically addresses the challenge of fostering stronger client connections for consulting firms. The app facilitates ongoing communication and collaboration between coaches and clients. The app strengthens client relationships and allows for a more personalized consulting experience by providing a platform for continuous engagement. Mobile Apps: Streamlined Functionality for On-the-Go Users Mobile apps are specifically designed for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Downloaded and installed through app stores like Google Play Store or Apple App Store, they require dedicated storage space on the device. However, they compensate for this by offering tailored functionalities and deeper engagement optimized for the mobile user experience.  Mobile apps use the inherent features of mobile devices, such as touchscreens, cameras, and GPS, for enhanced functionality. Their focus on personalized interaction and convenience has led to their widespread adoption, with social media platforms, ride-hailing services, and countless other apps becoming integral to our daily routines. If you decide mobile apps are the best route, we’ve already answered your next question: Should I build on iOS, Android, or both? Choosing the Right App Solution for Your Digital Product Identifying Your Goals The first step in choosing the right app is clearly defining its purpose. Ask yourself: What problem are you trying to solve? What need are you fulfilling for your users? Do you want to inform, educate, entertain, or facilitate specific tasks? Understanding your objectives will guide your selection process. For example, if your goal is to educate users about a complex topic, a web app might be suitable because it offers in-depth information and interactive elements. Conversely, if your goal is to provide a convenient on-the-go shopping experience, a mobile app might be more appropriate due to its offline functionality and integration with device features like cameras for product scanning. Considering Your Audience Once you know your goals, analyze your target audience and their digital habits: Who are you trying to reach? What devices do they use most frequently? How do they typically access information? Aligning the app type with your audience’s preferences is crucial for its success. A mobile app might be essential if your target demographic primarily uses smartphones. However, a website or web app could be sufficient if the focus is on desktop users. Understanding your audience’s platform preferences and digital behaviors will help you choose the most accessible and engaging format. Prioritizing Your App’s Core Features Next, identify the essential features needed to achieve your goals and meet your target audience’s needs. Consider: What core features are necessary for your app to function effectively? What additional features could enhance the user experience? Are there any limitations specific to different app types (e.g., offline functionality)? Balance your essential functionalities with potential limitations. For instance, if real-time notifications are crucial for your app, a mobile or web app might be better than a website. A mobile app might be most suitable if extensive offline functionality is critical. Cost & Development Considerations Finally, compare the development costs, ongoing maintenance needs, and resource requirements for each app type: What is your budget for app development and maintenance? Do you have the technical resources or plan to outsource development? Research development costs associated with each app type (websites, web apps, mobile apps) and consider ongoing maintenance needs. While websites might be initially cheaper to develop, they might require more maintenance depending on their complexity. Mobile apps often have higher development costs but offer unique functionalities and deeper user engagement. Weigh the cost and resource implications against your budget and available resources to make an informed decision. Ideal Use Cases Consider social media giant Instagram and ride-hailing service Uber as successful examples of mobile-first applications. These apps leverage smartphone features like GPS, contacts, and cameras to deliver a seamless user experience. While both offer web versions, their key functionalities and user experiences are optimized for mobile use. On the other hand, platforms like Canva, a graphic design tool, launched as web apps to allow users to work on larger screens better suited for design work. They extended to native mobile apps later to provide mobile users with accessibility for lighter tasks. When & Why To Opt for Each Situations Favoring a Web App Web apps are particularly beneficial when you need an application that processes and displays large volumes of data.  If you want broad accessibility and functionality across various devices without forcing users to download and install your software. Why a Mobile App Might Be Your Best Bet For businesses aiming to engage deeply with their users on a personal level, offer a highly interactive UX, and leverage device-specific features, a mobile app may be the more strategic choice.  Additionally, apps that require regular offline access, such as note-taking apps or e-reading apps, work better as mobile apps due to their ability to sync data when online and continue functioning in offline mode. Websites or a Platform Approach Think of a digital brochure for your business or an educational blog combined with an online store. Search engines easily index websites, making them a great way to attract and educate your customers. You may benefit from a platform approach—in other words, a digital ecosystem with a website and a web and mobile app, meeting users where they are. Additional Considerations Security & Data Privacy Regardless of the app type you choose, it’s crucial to prioritize user data security and privacy. This includes implementing robust security measures, adhering to data privacy regulations, and being transparent with users about how their data is collected, stored, and used. Download our free security checklist for the InspiringApps teams’ blueprint for app security. Future-Proofing Your App Consider the potential for future growth and technological advancements when choosing an app type. Choose an option that can scale with your business needs and adapt to evolving technologies. Consider the flexibility and adaptability of each app type in terms of future updates and integration with emerging technologies. Beyond the Screen: Where Your Customers Live & the Apps They Need Deciding between a web and mobile app isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Your choice should align with your business needs and target user preferences. By following these steps and considering these additional factors, you can make a well-informed decision about the app type that best suits your needs. Your goal: deliver the right features at the right place to your customers.

22 days ago

Digital Product Development

Apple TV: The Unsung Hero of Digital Signage

In developing digital products over the past 15-plus years, we’ve seen a lot of technological trends come and go. But Apple TV is one platform that has consistently flown under the radar yet proven its mettle. The way we communicate with our audiences is constantly evolving. Traditional static signage is losing its edge, and businesses are seeking dynamic, engaging solutions for digital signage. Enter Apple TV — this little box packs a serious punch. Digital Signage Powerhouse With Apple TV, you can develop custom digital signage solutions that blow the competition out of the water. From the user interface to the content you display, custom Apple TV solutions enable you to create a digital customer experience that elevates your brand. These configurations connect seamlessly with your existing data sources, ensuring real-time information and a dynamic display that reflects your unique needs. And you maintain control over your digital signage network remotely. Innovative Use Cases Take the example of the commercial solar power client we worked with. Their car dealership customers want to showcase the real-time solar power production of their rooftop installation to demonstrate the dealership’s commitment to clean energy when selling to EV buyers. We designed and developed a sleek, unattended kiosk application that runs on Apple TV and displays this information in a visually stunning, dynamic way. We’ve seen Apple TV powering interactive digital signage in restaurants, showrooms, and even corporate offices. The opportunities for creativity and customization are often untapped. Apple TVs provide the flexibility to create engaging experiences for any industry. Dynamic Data Integration Custom Apple TV configurations go beyond displaying static images. Digital signage via Apple TV seamlessly connects with your data sources, allowing you to showcase real-time information like sales figures, energy production, or appointment wait times in healthcare facilities. Imagine stock tickers updating in real-time for financial institutions or dynamic restaurant menus that adjust based on current ingredient availability. Interactive Experiences Engage your audience with interactive elements. Customers in showrooms can use their smartphones or tablets to trigger augmented reality displays on product displays, revealing detailed specifications or 3D models. Employees can interact with digital wayfinding systems in corporate offices to find meeting rooms or navigate the building. Content Personalization Target your message to reach a specific audience based on demographics or real-time data. Imagine retail stores displaying personalized promotions to customers using their loyalty cards or healthcare facilities providing targeted information based on a patient’s specific needs. Internal Communication Boost employee morale and keep your workforce informed with real-time company news, updates, and recognition programs displayed on lobby screens or breakroom TVs. Or, streamline the onboarding process and provide ongoing training opportunities with interactive video tutorials and presentations accessible on demand. Security Features When showcasing sensitive information, security is paramount. Apple TV boasts a robust security foundation with features like app sandboxing and regular updates. Custom development allows us to build upon these strengths and tailor security measures to your needs. Client Recognition InspiringApps’ client, Freedom Solar Power, is a company dedicated to sustainable energy solutions. Their innovative ‘Power Window’ Apple TV app was featured in Toyota’s booth at the 2024 National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) trade show in Las Vegas as an important component in meeting Toyota’s 2050 Environmental Challenge. Digital Signage for All As veterans of digital product development, we see Apple TV as the unsung hero of the digital signage world. If you want to elevate your organization’s visual communications, you might look closer at this little powerhouse. With Apple’s continued investment in the tvOS platform, we’re confident that we’ll see even more innovative use cases emerge in the years to come.

22 days ago

Ebook cover with title, “InspiringApps: A Business Perspective on Building Mobile Apps.” Third edition.
Ebook cover with title, “InspiringApps: A Business Perspective on Building Mobile Apps.” Third edition.

App development inspiration for others

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, the need for a powerful mobile presence is more urgent than ever. That’s why we’re committing to giving newcomers to mobile app development the info needed to make smart technology decisions in their business strategies.

If your company wants to develop an iOS app, Android app, or web app, you’ll benefit from reading our free e-book. It’s written to help business leaders understand the market and technical considerations involved in bringing a digital product to market.